Covid strike 2

I am 1 week into this hot mess again.

1 kid “sick” other one stuck here, husband home.

My peace and quiet has lasted but 2 weeks.

Kids are healthy. One tested positive so here we are. The joy of school.

However what bothers me is everyone’s reaction and persecution of our family and our choices when we have taken this serious from day 1. But at every turn its did you get tested too. Did you retest . When were they here. Did they have xyz symptoms.

My husband and I are and have been vaccinated for 6 months or more. Our kids have been kept safe and protected at every poasible turn without keeping the recluse from the world. We clean everything, we wash all clothes worn out the house. We sanitize, we wash hands. Shit happens and I am sick of everyone who does God knows what all day long and goes every place without proper masking to question Our practices. Maybe Your kid is sick because of where YOU work or the dance class You take them to and has Nothing to do with my poor kid having a cold. I am beyond frustrated at how people become accusatory towards you like you Intended to get the plague Again and be stuck again when You just started allowing little freedom.

We are responsible and see to it we do all we can to protect our whole circle of family and friends. We will not visit or allow visits if anyone has even sneezed in the last 3 days. We don’t go places with high numbers of people. We have not had dinner out as a Family in almost 2 years by end of this year. We stay safe, think of everyone around us and yet we are seen as the bad guy. When people who have had sicker kids dont even fathom testing them for the sake of protecting their own egos and time.

This is what we signed up for this year when we sent these kids back. Well I am sorry susan that your kid has to quarantine, we weren’t planning on this either, so let us be kind and remember this can happen to literally Any of us. So do not dare to judge or question. Just be kind.

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